In the picturesque landscapes of Newfoundland and Labrador, a spirited journey began in 2004. Newfoundland and Labrador Cheerleading Athletics (NLCA) emerged from the passion of a few, evolving into a beacon of cheerleading excellence across the province.
Twenty years later, NLCA has become cheerNL. Regardless of name, this organization stands as a testament to dedication and community spirit. Born from a love for cheerleading, cheerNL has blossomed into a non-profit organization, tirelessly promoting athletic prowess and camaraderie in the cheerleading sphere.
Our mandate echoes our founding ethos: to nurture the growth of cheerleading, ensuring safety and inclusivity at every turn. We are the heart of Newfoundland and Labrador's cheerleading scene, connecting athletes, coaches, parents, and fans in a vibrant tapestry of support and encouragement.
Navigating the unique challenges of our province, cheerNL champions accessibility and opportunity. Our athletes defy distance, soaring beyond provincial borders to compete, fueled by resilience and determination.
At the core of cheerNL beats a mission to ignite the spirit of cheerleading, embodying sportsmanship, and respect. We are the guardians of the cheerleading realm, upholding rules, and safety guidelines, and providing training with unwavering dedication.
cheerNL is more than an organization; it's a celebration of spirit, perseverance, and unity. As we look to the future, our vision remains clear: to kindle the flame of cheerleading across Newfoundland and Labrador, illuminating the path for generations to come. Join us in the journey of cheers, dreams, and endless possibilities.